Heavenletter #4445 Finding Your Place in the World, January 25, 2013

Veröffentlicht auf von Zeitenwende 2012 - RaSa Nuj

God said:

What is there to wake up to if not love? If love seems lacking, then who is going to put it there? What it may take for you to wake up to love is your recognition of love and your willingness to expand on it. You expand on love by recognizing it. You may have had your spotlight set on less than love.

Here’s the story, beloveds: You will find what you set out to look for.

You may argue this that I say. You may see yourself as an innocent bystander. You may see yourself as a victim. You may even like to justify your accounts of victimhood.

I do not say it is easy to find your place in the world. I do say: “Look for your welcome. Look for you to welcome. Be on the look-out.”

Of course, there is innocence. There is also your not looking. I am telling you to look for that which you say you desire. This is how you will find it. Beloveds, have you not found many needles in the haystack?

When you are sure that love is hard to find, or love is hard to give, what are you expecting? You may say that you used to expect the sun to shine on you, and it did not. You were disappointed. Once upon a time, you thought that all love is true, and life, this very life you live, let you down. Let’s erase the word expect then. Let’s say instead of expect to look forward to. Yes, that’s the ticket. Look forward to goodness and mercy following you all the days of your life so you see more of the sun’s shining on you.

Of course, it can happen. You are digging for worms, and you find a diamond. That can happen. Of course, it can. I am telling you to keep an eye out for diamonds of love, most especially within your own heart. The bluebird of happiness or sun-gold bird of love exists in the backyard of your own heart. I planted My heart within the garden of your heart. What I plant grows. I suggest you water it. I suggest you look forward to the watering and to the blossoming of love on Earth as it is meant to be.

You know the kind of black and white pictures where, when you look at it one way, you see a vase. When you look at the same picture another way, you see two people. The actuality is the same. The picture itself didn’t change. Your vision changed. There was change. You didn’t really make the change happen. You were open to it. You looked for it, and change appeared.

In your life, look for that different angle of perspective. It is there. It is always there in black and white. It helps to know this. Look from the perspective that there is more to see than you presently see. Be open to seeing differently. You are not banging on the door of love. You are simply ready to open it. You are ready to turn the knob.

I do not speak of illusion. I speak of the end of denying yourself. It is hardly a blessing for you to be what the world may often call realistic. Even in the world of realism, there are diamonds. They exist. Diamonds of love exist. Enough of looking at the negative masked as reality. There is a truer Reality. This Reality is My desire for you. This Reality is My desire for all. Cast your bets with Me and go out to seek your fortune. You have had enough misfortune. Now love is before you. Pull love from your heart, and, here, you have it.

Permanent Link: http://www.heavenletters.org/finding-your-place-in-the-world.html

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