Heavenletter #4245 The Wand You Wave, July 9, 2012
God said:
Desire to be inspired, and desire to inspire. If you want to be lit up, go where the light is. If you want to light up others, take your light with you. Even if your light feels borrowed and not yours, keep all the light intact and give it away. Brandish your light. Let your light become a sword of love flashing in the darkness.
The fact is that you give light now. You do not know all the corners you light up. You may think that your light is low-wattage. No, your light is bright. In effect, your light can fry an egg. Your light can undo the effects darkness has cast, not even by your understanding, but simply by virtue of your light.
What did you think you were? Did you really think you were the flattened human being you have cudgeled yourself into believing you are? Beloveds, you are My Majesty walking on Earth. You are far more than you ever gave yourself to believe. You have accomplished far more than you ever believed. Right now, in this very moment of Eternity, you are giving a salve to the world, a balm to the world, a caress.
Are you really going to try to convince Me that you are hard-hearted, unloving, yucky and all that? You cannot convince Me, and I think you would do well to unconvince yourself. Whatever blessing I can give, so can you give through your Being. Intend this now. Intend to perceive the opportunities you have to be a blessing, and be My blessing. You are it, so now be it. Put your shoulders back, and take on your purpose.
The world has been needing you. I have hired you to work for Me. When you came to Earth, you agreed that you would offer My heart to the world, that you would give the people in the world solace from a high place, and that you would renew your contract with Me. Renew it now. Take on what has always been yours to take on. You are to believe in the sanctity of the world and to offer the world blessing upon blessing so that the world can become the blessing it has been meant to be.
You are the behind-the-scenes producer of this epic movie. There are no bit-players in this movie. All are stars. All play major parts. On or off stage, everyone enacts this movie. This movie has been hailed by the world, and it has been bashed by the world. The world has had a tempestuous relationship with itself. The world has played many roles. It has played opposite roles. The world has been one thing or another to everyone in it.
Can you imagine a movie directed by the actors who play in it? Some of the actors don't know how to play the part of a citizen of the world. They may think they are in this production as if on a holiday where their only object is to enjoy themselves. Truly, that is everyone's object, to enjoy themselves, and it is a worthy object. Yet there is another side to joy, and that is the joy of sharing, and that is the joy of being responsible for all and all that occurs.
From this time on, you are a mender. You are a silent seamstress. Wherever a seam comes apart, you whip out your magic needle of thought, and you pull the two seams back together. Wherever there is a tear in a garment, you quickly restore it with your thoughts. You restore it with your blessedness. You are My blessing rod on Earth. Your intention and thoughts are the wand you wave.
When you read of a trouble, kiss it goodbye. By your kiss, erase trouble from the Earth. There are thoughtless pranksters on the Earth who may prompt deeds that are better undone and better left unsaid.
No way you are going to be one of the pranksters. No way. You are Mine now, and you are a healer of ill deeds and thoughts. You are a promoter of love. This is how it is. There is no going back. You have been chosen.
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