Heavenletter #4244 World Time and God Time , July 8, 2012
God said:
When you ask Me for something, and you often do, I answer: "Coming right up, Sir or Madam." I don't put you off, although you certainly may think so. How can there be such a discrepancy between your sense of time and, well, the sense of time I have. I do not have the sense of time you do. I have Eternity which is not long at all. Eternity is right now. Time is in increments. In world time, there is sooner or later. When you lead life after life, in one of these lives, your requests will be served right to you. In Eternity, where time has no distance, I serve you now.
At the same non-time that I am the fulfiller of your wishes, you are your own fulfiller. You marshal the energy. Sometimes you have dreams and desires that are yours to fulfill, are yours to make happen or not. You may well feel you deeply desire what you desire, and yet your desire may not yet be ready. There are so many possibilities, so many slips possible between cup and lip. There are happenings orchestrated, and yet you are often the orchestrator you are waiting for.
Sometimes I can swoop in to your life and rescue you mid-stream. Certainly. And yet the highways and by-ways are not always possible for you to discern. Perhaps I might have to say in your terms: "Not quite yet, Sir or Madam.". Every thought you have is tucked away somewhere. Now, now, don't get worried that something untoward is going to happen to you because of your fantastical thoughts. Some thoughts disappear and do not hang over you waiting to pounce. Some thoughts you have are not yours anyway.
What I am trying to say is: Rely on Me, and jump on your horse.
There are matters that are good for you to linger over, so linger over them. Taste their flavor. Savor them. Sometimes you do well to hold life in limbo. I say that at the same time that I say that life is not to be wasted. There is no hurry, and yet there is no time to waste. This is your quandary. You can't eat all the candy. You have to save some for later. You must be on your way, and yet you can sit a little longer.
In human life, very often your choice is to speed your life up, and your choice is to slow your life down. You may make this choice many times in one day.
You cannot be everything to everyone. You cannot always be everything to yourself. You can be everything to Me.
Take a breath. Come to the conclusion that everything is all right the way it is and, and, at the same time, everything has to move along. How tempting and tumultuous is time in the world.
In Eternity, time is neither slow nor fast. In Eternity, there is no time at all. In Eternity, there is no time to stretch nor contract. There is no time to hurry nor time to slow down. There are no clocks. There is music, neither slow-tempo nor fast-tempo. In Eternity, Embrace the music.
Wait until you relax into Eternity. You will laugh. You will be so happy. In Eternity, you will have the most joy you ever had. What a relief Eternity is not the world of Earth observed in time and all it entails.
If only you could forget time, if only you could forget space - if not exactly forget them - have awareness of their non-existence or flurried appearance. How easy life down on the farm becomes then. How easy life is when there is no time to get caught in and no place to be kicked out from.
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