Nachricht vom Universum - 05.05.2016
There's at least one in every crowd... Someone who's there, first and foremost, to love you. Besides me, The Universe
Alles, was es über das Leben zu wissen gibt, dürfen wir wissen. Dieses gesamte Wissen steht uns jederzeit offen und ist leicht zu erlangen.
There's at least one in every crowd... Someone who's there, first and foremost, to love you. Besides me, The Universe
Gott sagt: Geliebte Kinder, müsst ihr immer dort sein, wo ihr sein wollt? Gewiss, ihr wollt sein, wo ihr sein wollt. Zu anderen Zeiten wisst ihr vielleicht gar nicht, wo ihr sein wollt. Ihr mögt sehr wohl wissen, wo ihr nicht sein wollt. Euer gegenwärtiges...
God said: Beloved Children, must you always be where you want to be? Sure, you want to be where you want when you want. Other times you simply may not know where you want to be. You may well know where you don't want to be. Your present life may not be...
The only problem with leaving and going someplace else is that you take yourself with you. You take your vibrational habits and patterns with you. ---Abraham Excerpted from: Albany, NY on May 18, 1998 Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)
One who is mostly an observer thrives in good times but suffers in bad times because what he is observing is already vibrating, and as he observes it, he includes it in his vibrational countenance. As he includes it, the Universe accepts that as his point...
God said: At the same time as you yearn for more dreams to come to fruition and fill up your heart, don't waste your life by representing yourself as unfulfilled or denied. Rather, I say: Hurray for unfilled dreams! Hurray for dreams that have not yet...
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... ...that awareness is not a gift that some have and others cannot attain. Awareness is your birthright and your inheritance. You have it now. It is not a question of whether you have it, but...
You needn't worry. There is time. You have all the time in the world. You preceded time and you will exist beyond it. Age is irrelevant; more meaningless than a number. Forever, you have FOREVER. There is no dream you now have that you will not manifest....
Gott sagt: Vergeude nicht dein Leben, indem du dich als unerfüllt oder abgewiesen darstellst, während du dich gleichzeitig danach sehnst, dass mehr Träume verwirklicht werden und dein Herz erfüllen. Ich sage stattdessen: Hurra den unerfüllten Träumen!...
Gott sagt: Oftmals wird das Erdenleben als Kampf angesehen, doch dem ist nicht so. Was bedeutet denn das Wort Kampf anderes, als gegen irgendetwas zu kämpfen? Kämpfen kommt dir nicht zugute, durchaus nicht. Es kann dich wahrlich schwächen. Du hörtest...