Daily Inspirational Message March 14th, 2013

Veröffentlicht auf von Zeitenwende 2012 - RaSa Nuj

Tackling the CAUSE of the maladies existing on Earth at this time is the next vitally important facet of the Divine Plan. Presently, Awakened Humanity is focusing on healing and transmuting everything that conflicts with the patterns of perfection for the New Earth, knowing full well that these human miscreations must be transmuted into Light in order for the New Earth to manifest in all her glory.

Sincere and deeply committed caring people are rolling up their sleeves and taking on issues involving guns, violence, child abuse, sexual assault, crime, war, terrorism, drugs, poverty, disease, corruption in government, the appalling greed associated with economic institutions, the health care industry, and corporations of every kind, hunger, homelessness, the abuse of power, inequality among women and minorities, civil rights, human rights, animal rights, pollution, the environment, the inequitable distribution of wealth, lack of jobs, religious fanaticism, prejudice, and every other malady existing on Earth. The astonishing thing is that not one of these things is the CAUSE of Humanity's pain and suffering. Every single one of these maladies is the EFFECT of the problem.

--Raising Consciousness – The shift from separation to Oneness by Patricia Cota-Robles

Today's picture entitled "New Zealand Night Sky" was sent in by Fiona Louise (Copyright), Te Awamutu. Thank you Fiona.

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