Daily Inspirational Message July 22th, 2013
Remember that you are here as a magnificent multidimensional being of light and of change. You are the one anchoring the intense frequency of change that is taking place. The frequencies that are being offered by the galactic ones are causing the shift in your emotions, your body and the events unfolding. We realize that knowing this and being aware that this is occurring does not always make dealing with it or adapting to it easier.
Moving from the dense 3D world into a higher vibrational frequency there are times when resistance to this change can cause much discomfort. So we continue to invite you to use all your conscious tools which can assist you in adapting with more ease and grace.
Even though you are focused on your physical body, you are truly an energy body. It is this energy body that is responding to the many different galactic frequencies being offered. These charged particles of galactic cosmic rays, solar flares, gamma ray bursts are affecting the earth's magnetic field as well as your own magnetic field.
--Solar Energy Packets by Peggy Black and the ‘team’
Today's magnificent picture was sent in by Kirstin Dennis (copyright).