Abraham - Hicks - Daily Quote - 29.09.2012

Veröffentlicht auf von Zeitenwende 2012 - RaSa Nuj

Our Varied Behavior Adds to the Planet's Well-Being... When you remember that nothing can come into your experience without your Vibrational invitation of it, then you do the simple work of paying attention to your own Vibrational offering, and you save yourself the enormous and impossible task of controlling the behavior of others. When you remember that the varied behavior of others adds to the balance and the Well-Being of your planet even if they offer behavior that you do not approve of; and that you do not have to participate in the unwanted behavior, and will not - unless you give your attention to it - you become more willing to allow others to live as they choose.

--- Abraham

Excerpted from the book, The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships # 578

Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

Veröffentlicht in Abraham - Hicks

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